I guess I've already told you this, but it was so long ago that I'll write it again; bit more specific this time though. So originally we were meant to do this trip before Christmas, but as it was called off and then moved to the start of the year, we'll leave tomorrow. So I'm going glamping with my Norwegian girl and her Rotary club; this is the plan:
"We will travel by train to Sydney on Thursday, 9th February. The train leaves Singleton at 6.55am, and we'll after changing trains at Hamilton, we'll catch the 8.11 am train to Sydney, arriving at 10.33 am. Once there we will catch another train to Circular Quay – where all the ferries arrive/depart. Then we catch a ferry to Cockatoo Island – about a 10 minute ride under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
When we arrive at the island all the tents will be ready and are 2 person capacity. We will sleep in the them Thursday and Friday night and we have to leave the island by about 10.30 am on Saturday. For the return trip, we will need to catch a train to Central (main Sydney rail station) and because there is “track work” on the Saturday/Sunday we will travel by bus, leaving Sydney at 3.15pm and if we were travelling by rail we would get to Maitland at 6.19pm and Singleton at 6.51pm – however the buses will be slower than the train.
The island has had a number of uses over the years, lastly as a naval dockyard during World War 2 and you are able to walk around the islands and have self-conducted tours."
Sounds really good to me, can't wait1
Preparing to wake up half past five,
P.S. I packed ALL my stuff today!!!! what a HUUUGE job, but luckily it's all done now, phew! I'll send you a post about my moving process during the weekend. (: