Hello there! I've been thinking about my blog lately; I want to keep writing, but most likely there's not enough to talk about 365 days a year, maybe not even half of that. And as unfortunate as it is, some of the contents of my blog will change. I'm not an exchange student anymore. This blog will still be about my life, but as I can't deny that being an exchange student is not an ongoing part of my life anymore, I have to focus writing more about the other topics. I will still be talking about my year overseas; even though it's over, it left a life-long impact on me. My picture of world, future, people, or even myself are not the same they were before. So yes, exchange is a part of my past now, but I'm left with something to carry with me forever.
And also the people reading this are not the same anymore. It's not only my mum reading what has been happening to me, now I have many people overseas reading too. Some of them, who know what Australia is like, who would like to know more about where I come from and what are the things that made me like I'm now. Feels hard to comprehend that some of my closest friends have never seen where I live, don't know Finland, have never met my family, and a year ago didn't even know that I exist. :D
So in the future my intention is to write about my life after exchange; about many different kind of things, the impact of an exchange being the thing linking them all up. Maybe stories about travelling, sharing Finnish and Australian recipes, or sometimes just catching up in my life. So new contents, though never forgetting the year of my life, my biggest and greatest adventure.
Honestly wish this caters as many as possible,
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