Monday, September 19, 2011

2 / 12 = 1 / 6

TWO MONTHS OF MY AUSSIE YEAR ARE GONE!!!  Time flies so quickly that it's almost sad.

So far I've:
- eaten with chopsticks
- tried Vegemite
- skipped one school day just because I was feeling tired
- stood next to a horse
- had 32 mosquito bites in my body at the same time
- fallen in love with body pump, zumba, boxing and body balance
- eaten home delivered pizza, twice
- sat 22 hours in airplane
- bought one pair of really good earphones
- drank more soft drinks than I did last year in total
- met only one guy who surfs
- eaten kiwifruit, mango and passion fruit
- drawn a huge black & white picture of myself
- bought my third fake Ray-Bans
- read a really thick book in English 
- noticed that Australian berries are way worse than ours
- saved 2309 photos into my computer
- done quite a few gym classes
- drank hot chocolate with marshmallows
- put on way more weight I should have
- tried sushi
- made 99 new facebook friends
- had no big troubles with Aussie slang or accent
- bought one pair of glittery shoes
- given three speeches
- said the letters L-I-I-S-A-E-L-O-R-A-N-T-A approx. one hundred times
- learnt that you can eat kiwifruit with the skin
- fallen in love with my squeaky double bed
- eaten peanut butter
- used half of my gym membership time
- wore my school uniform correctly everyday
- been told more than enough scare stories about Australian summer
- seen eight kangaroos, echidna and possum, three koalas and few emus
- eaten crumpets
- had too many mosquito-hunting-events in the middle of the night
- taught numbers 1-10 in Finnish twice
- ordered junk food from drive-thru
- overslept twice on school mornings but still made it to school in time
- eaten pavlova
- met heaps of awesome people


Enjoying Australia,



  1. Bought only ONE pair of glittery shoes...?!?

  2. Yep. I already had one pair so I decided that two pairs are enough!
