Friday, September 9, 2011


Yesterday  I had a meeting with my schools assistant principal, because next two weeks are exams, and I had no idea what to do with them.  I didn't see the reason to try to write essays about topics I've never heard of before, but people in my school saw it differently.  My school is good catholic school, so they have high expectations for students, and they wanted me to learn a lot and get a good certificate.  After I made clear that I really don't need certificate with marks, they finally understood what I was talking about, and we made a 'contract' which is realistic and not so stressful for me.  Now I really enjoy going to school because I know that teachers are not expecting more than I am capable to do.

I've been thinking to change my advanced subjects to the normal level. Not because I'm stupid or because I wouldn't be able to do them, just because I'd like to have a bit easier year in school.  If I were in home I would be doing all the work there's possible to do because I really try hard to be good; but here I want school to be easier, because there's a lot more challenge just in living.  And the schoolwork I do here is basically nothing when I go back home, so I think it's fare enough not to stress about school while I'm here.  I'm sure I'll have more than enough time to work hard and stress when I go back, so why should I even bother here... :D

What we decided, is
- I'm not doing any exams; at least not in this term because I haven't been here when they started the topics

- Next two weeks are exams and normal school and special events, so when we have normal days I'll go to school, and then when there's exams I'm either working in primary side or staying at home

- I'm doing assessments, but I don't have to do all of them, and I don't have to do same things as my classmates are doing.  This means instead of writing essays I can just do a list with dot points 

- I may change my advanced classes to general ones.  I finally heard the reason why I'm in advanced class, and now I understand better.  I was wondering if they are just trying to be mean or what, because who would put exchange student to advanced English?  Now I know that the only reason they were doing that was that the people who I knew month ago were in those classes, and they wanted me to know someone in my classes so I wouldn't feel bad.  So now when I know more people from my year, there's no reason why I couldn't change the class. :))

Liking school again,


P.s. Last time writing when I'm 16, looking forward tomorrow because it's my first Aussie birthday! :)))

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