Friday, October 7, 2011


I've spent last two weeks relaxing and travelling with my host family, not even thinking about school.  That'll end soon, because after this weekend my everyday life is back.  Or actually there's a slight difference compared to what it used to be;  I'm not a year 11 student anymore.  That's because I'll move to year twelve, which is the last year of school here.  It sounds funny to me, because in home I haven't even started year 11 yet... :D

Here there's four terms (instead of five which I'm used to back home), and after every term is two week holiday, though summer holiday is longer. Term one starts in January, so now it's time for term four.  Usually new year starts at the same time as the first time, but for some illogical reason year 12 starts in term four.  I don't get why, but that's the way it is.

I'll tell you more about that next week, as well as our weekend to come; we are going to travel to my host sisters' grandparents' house. :)

Can't wait my last holiday weekend,


p.s. For those who think it's always sunny in Australia: I can convince that that is far away from the truth.  I bet that about half of the days I've been here it has been raining, or at least really cloudy or windy. I don't mind rain and I know it's getting warmer so there's no problem, I just wanted to share this little fact with you.

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