Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm surprised, but I haven't said anything really silly so far, just little humane mistakes.

It's very different here, because people who are in primary school (years 1-6) don't do exams.  They have little tests but not exams like we do in Finland.  And when my year has tests, instead of only writing essays, they may have multiple choices as well.  This was new thing to me, because I think multiple choices as primary and secondary school things (years 1-9). So while we were sitting in a library I was asking 'Can you have multiply choices in exams?' They didn't say anything, so I asked again about the multiplY choices.  After repeating that couple more times they started laughing, took piece of paper and a pen, and told me what is the difference between E and Y.  Not even a big mistake, but I felt myself as a complete idiot.  They said that it's cute thing to say, but I know the difference, I seriously do! :D

We went to shopping mall last Thursday, and they were selling post cards. One of my friends pointed the card and said that this card suits you because you look like the animal in it.  That wasn't really nice thing to say so I wanted my revenge.  I took the next card in the line, pointed it, and said; you look like emu.  Or I'm quite sure I did; I'm still pretty sure that's what I said.  But they just laughed and asked me if I know what an emo is. Maybe I just said emu in weird way but that's what I meant anyway!  So, still today people were asking me about emos, nice.

This is definitely the worst one.  Usually when it's night you end a conversation saying something like 'I'll go to bed, good nigh'. One night I was chatting to a boy from my year in internet, and we were both really tired, but neither of us finished the conversation because it would have been impolite.  We didn't have anything to talk about, and I thought that now we just better stop and get some sleep.  So, without thinking it at all I just said something like 'I guess there's nothing else to say, so maybe we should just go to bed'.  Yep, what an amazing way to end a conversation with a person you've known for couple of weeks.  Great.  But obviously I didn't mean it that way, and actually he didn't even realize what I've just said before I was apologizing and trying to explain what I really meant.  How embarrassing was that! :DD

This weekend we don't have any plans, and because both of my host parents are working I guess we are just spending time at home.  I actually like it, because I've had couple of Rotary things lately, so it's nice to just chill and do nothing.



Ps.  Only two weeks left with my host family number one!  

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